Friday, November 13, 2009

Michael Louis Brittingham - Michael Jackson Museum Project Scam


Michael Louis Brittingham claims to be an international entrepreneur and artist music producer with private equity, venture capital, partnership opportunities, government/private tender opportunities, country director/project opportunities, etc., in Zurich, Europe, and the US, when, in fact, sources have revealed he is/has none of the above.

What he does have, however, is five or more Rip Off Report complaints about him (go to the ripoffreport site and search Michael Brittingham), as well as many complaints on other sites, and a few pending lawsuits, as well as a cases filed with the Internet Crime Complaint Center ( a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI, and the National White Collar Crime Center).

Mr. Brittingham preys upon women, more specifically mothers and/or business women who are divorcee’s, widow’s, or simply single, by making grand offers of helping with their financial dilemma’s, career’s, children’s’ career’s, and more, by promising employment, partnerships, residency programs, recording contracts, and/or financial relief, after which he asks to stay at their home and requests they either pay for his air fare, provide him transportation, wire money, etc. Victims have filed reports and made statements. These reports are private and confidential, but nevertheless, real.
Sadly, when these women tried to contact him or requested to be repaid, he turned on them and called them witches, liars, and went on to accuse them of defaming him, attacking him, when, in fact, it was the parties he was accusing who were the victims. Again, this was another ploy to offset the viewer from the truth and get them focused on a whole different scenario, as well as an attempt to gain sympathy and more support.
What is important is that all of the women have concrete proof (receipts, emails, and more), which is something Mr. Brittingham cannot excuse away accept to say they are trying to "ruin" his attempts to be an angel and savior.

Mr. Brittingham travels about the globe at the expense of unsuspecting women and men, using them until they are completely depleted or become suspicious, for which he then moves on to the next victim. He is a man who has no money, residence, bank account, car, or credit card.

His only business references are in conjunction with internet sites he created and named himself president of in order to find potential candidates to provide hospitality or financial means for his own personal endeavors. In addition, he regularly throws around names like Michael Jackson, President Obama, and other well known/famous people in order to make himself look like he is 'connected', when, in fact, he is not. He paints a very impressive picture and tells a very convincing story, and it's hard not to believe he is not this person that he says he is, that is, until you do a little homework, and dig a little deeper.
The reality is, when the contacts he named were contacted, they responded saying there had never heard of him. It's easy to pretend to be anything on the internet, but if you have nothing to back it up, you will get caught, as in the case of Michael Louis Brittingham. Unfortunately, he left quite a few victims in his wake, now less money and their faith in their fellow man.

Mr. Brittingham's latest endeavor, The Michael Jackson Museum Project, is yet another scam he uses in an attempt to gain popularity and validity so to perpetuate a means to solicit money for his personal needs, debts, traveling costs, hotels, food, cigarettes, etc. from unsuspecting folks. Though he states he is not asking for any money from anyone, what he fails to realize is contacting people about his project and promising them involvement and then asking them to pay his airfare, hotel, or to simply wire him money, IS asking for money. The proof is real and tangible, and will not be ignored.

His latest campaign- (quote from Michael Jackson Museum Project- Myspace)
"ENOUGH IS FREAKIN' ENOUGH!" The concept of the freedom of speech does not mean freedom to humiliate, defame and disparage! The noble notion of the freedom of speech cannot be used as an excuse for unethical behavior. We all can acknowledge that a fierce war is waging - a terrible conflict which has continued unabated since the fall of Michael Jackson on June 25th. Good and evil constantly do battle. Now - I have decided to form Michael's Angels! and 'go to war' and DO something about this! Are you with us? Do you want to join us and get engaged? Message me in here! Let me know - Let's DO this!"

The fact is, Mr. Brittingham does not have the endorsement of the Jackson family or any representative of the Jackson family for this proposed museum.
In addition, THERE IS NO WAR. In fact, it has nothing to do with Michael Jackson. Mr. Brittingham is using this as a distraction to get viewers off track and away from the real issue at hand- HIM, and his illegal and criminal actions.

Beware of this man. He plays the victim quite well, and portrays himself like that of a saint- An angel who will take all your worries away. He is with you. Everything will be fine!

"Exposed" is an online victims advocate program designed to keep the public alerted to possible scams, frauds, and internet predators.

1 comment:

  1. I am a professional artist who was scammed by Michael Louis Brittingham, Sr. I would like to corroborate this statement as factual and true.

    Michael Brittingham approached me online in a social networking group, offering to assist me by providing me with employment in an “Artist in Residence” program he said he was developing. I corresponded with him for months, thinking him to be a personal friend and professional associate.

    He is actually a cyber criminal who uses the internet to find out personal and contact information about people in order to prey upon them for things he needs. The claims he makes in press releases and in social networking profiles online about his experience and credentials have been found to be untrue.

    This man is a professional internet predator, who has no real business, actually living by leeching off of people. He does this in a dishonest way, taking from those who are vulnerable, already struggling, and in no position to lose what he takes from them through dishonest manipulation.

    I know him as he really is now, because he stayed in my home for the month of August 2009. Under the pretense of helping me, he just took from me, food, lodging, transportation, and my labor as his personal assistant. He promised me compensation for my work as well as money to reimburse me for his expenses. He never paid me a penny. Worse, his interference in my life and my finances over a period of five months left me financially devastated and in much worse shape than I was in before he invaded my life.

    I did report his scamming to my local police, to Rip Off Report and to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. He has been reported for scamming and theft in Germany, Switzerland, the UK and the US. The people he has been ripping off will not remain silent now as he continues to prey upon people he convinces to trust him.

    Brittingham is actively online now, seeking to scam the fans of Michael Jackson with a fraudulent foundation designed to exploit the legacy of Michael Jackson for his own personal gain. He wrote the “proposal” for an MJ museum he is touting online in my home office on my computer. I know that the people he claims as associates and friends are not, and I know that there is no more validity to this scheme than there was to the “Artist in Residence” scheme he used to gain my friendship and trust.

    We are writing blogs and posting our stories online in order to warn and alert the unsuspecting people who might encounter this man. None of us were repaid money that he borrowed, we were not paid for work we did for him, and he actually stole things from people who kindly offered him a place to stay without even paying for his own expenses. He has asked people he has only corresponded with online for money, travel and living expenses, even to stay in their homes.

    Please visit these links for more information. I am presenting my information to the public, openly publishing my allegations, and I have the evidence to prove all that I say here is accurate and true.
    Sarah Dees

    My blogs with links and more information:

    Blog about his scamming in Europe:

    New group to warn about characters on the internet like Brittingham:

    Eight stories reported here:

    Four stories reported here:
